jComponent / Helpers / Date operations
Updated: 18. July 2019
Author: Peter Širka

Date operations

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Here is the list of all registered Date prototypes in jComponent library. You do not need to use moment.js with jComponent.

Method: Date.add()

Method can manipulate with Date.

// @name {String}
// return {Date}

console.log(new Date().add('1 day'));
console.log(new Date().add('-1 year'));
console.log(new Date().add('1 week'));

Method: Date.format()

Method can format date. If the format begins with ! exclamation mark the date will be converted to US date. IMPORTANT: format value can contain an environment value e.g. [key].

Date.format(format, [utc]);
// @format {String}
// @utc {Boolean} +v14.2.0 converts date to UTC (default: false)
// return {String}

// iso   - +v17 returns Date in ISO format
// yy    - short years              e.g. "17"
// yyyy  - full years               e.g. "2017"
// M     - short months             e.g. "2"
// MM    - short months             e.g. "02"
// MMM   - called months            e.g. "Sep"
// MMMM  - called months            e.g. "September"
// w     - week                     e.g. "3"
// ww    - week                     e.g. "03"
// D     - short days               e.g. "9"
// DD    - short days               e.g. "09"
// DDD   - called days              e.g. "MO"
// DDDD  - called days              e.g. "Monday"
// H     - short hours              e.g. "1"
// HH    - short hours              e.g. "01"
// m     - short minutes            e.g. "1"
// mm    - short minutes            e.g. "01"
// s     - short seconds            e.g. "4"
// ss    - short seconds            e.g. "04"
// a     - adds AM or PM            e.g. "PM"

console.log(new Date().format('dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'));  // 25.09.2017 15:16:05
console.log(new Date().format('!HH:mm:ss a'));          // 03:16:05 PM
console.log(new Date().format('ddd dddd'));             // returns name of day: "MO Monday"
console.log(new Date().format('MMM MMMM'));             // returns name of month: "Sep September"
console.log(new Date().format('[date]'));               // reads a format from environments
console.log(new Date().format(null));                   // reads a format from "DEF.dateformat"

Method: Date.toNumber()

+v16 converts date according to the format to a number.

// @format {String} default yyyyMMdd
// returns {Number}

// Output: 20181022

// Output: 1022