jComponent / Helpers / jQuery extensions
Updated: 17. August 2019
Author: Peter Širka

jQuery extensions

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jComponent extends jQuery by adding these new features:


Method adds class from the element/elements.

// @value {String} class name
// return {jQuery}



Method appends SVG element.

// @value {String} raw HTML or tag name
// return {jQuery}

// With raw HTML:
$('.svg').asvg('<line ... ><rect ... >');

// With tag name:
var rect = $('.svg').asvg('rect');
rect.attr('x', 100);

$(selector).attrd(key, [value])

Method gets/sets data- attribute from the element/elements

$(selector).attrd(key, [value]);
// @key {String} attribute name without "data-"
// @value {String} optional, a value for attribute
// return {jQuery}

$('#element').attrd('name', 'Peter');
// <div id="element" data-name="Peter"></div>

// Output: Peter


+v17 Method returns one current/parent data-bind instance (if exists). It travelses parents element too.

// return {Binder} or null


Method: $(selector).CMD()

+v17 Executes a command in all components according to the selector. It executes a registered method via component.command().

$(selector).CMD(name, [a], [b], [n..]);
// @name {String} A command name
// @a {Object} Argument A
// @b {Object} Argument B
// @c {Object} Argument N
// return {jQuery}



Method returns one component instance (if exists). It travelses parents element too.

// return {jComponent} or null



Method finds all jComponents on the selector path.

// return {jQuery}

$('#components').components(function(component) {


Method performs FIND() according to the selector.

// $(selector).FIND(selector, [many], [callback], [timeout]);

var textbox = $('div').FIND('textbox');


Method performs jQuery.hasClass().

// @value {String} class name
// return {Boolean}



+v17 Method hides vertical scrollbars. IMPORTANT: the method extends the width of the element by adding width of scrollbar. Width of this element is obtained from the parent element.

// @force {Boolean} disables cache (default: false)
// return {jQuery}


Good to know:

jComponent watches noscrollbar class and it hides vertical scrollbars automatically. This jQuery extension is for special cases.


Method prepends SVG element to element.

// @value {String} raw HTML or tag name
// return {jQuery}

// With raw HTML:
$('.rect').psvg('<line ... ><rect ... >');

// With tag name:
var rect = $('.group').psvg('rect');
rect.attr('x', 100);


+v12.0.4 Method removes attribute from the element/elements.

// @name {String} Attribute name
// return {jQuery}


+v12.0.4 Method removes data-attribute from the element/elements.

// @name {String} Attribute name without data-
// return {jQuery}


REMOVED in v18 +v12.0.4 Method re-scrolls a scroll container to element according to the selector. This method uses scrollIntoView(true) method with a custom implementation offset`.

// @offset {Number} Optional, default: 0
// return {jQuery}


Method removes class from the element/elements.

// @value {String} class name
// return {jQuery}



Method removes all classes according to the text.

// @search {String} text to search
// return {jQuery}



Method toggles class for the element/elements.

// @value {String} class name
// return {jQuery}



Method performs RECONFIGURE() according to the selector for all nested components.

// $(selector).RECONFIGURE(selector, config);
$(selector).RECONFIGURE(selector, config);

$('div').RECONFIGURE('textbox', 'disabled:true');


Method performs SETTER() according to the selector for all nested components.

// $(selector).SETTER([wait], selector, propOrMethod, [argA], [argB], [..argN]);

$('div').SETTER('*', 'reconfigure', 'required:false');
$('div').SETTER('textbox', 'reconfigure', 'disabled:true');


Method returns one parent scope instance (if exists).

// return {Scope} or null



Method returns one VBIND instance (if exists).

// return {VBIND} or null



Method returns one VBINDARRAY instance (if exists).

// return {VBINDARRAY} or null
