jComponent / Helpers / Responsive UI
Updated: 08. January 2019
Author: Peter Širka

Responsive UI

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jComponent offers great features for creating Responsive UI directly in JavaScript.

Supports these commands:

  • min-width
  • max-width
  • min-device-width
  • max-device-width
  • width
  • min-height
  • max-height
  • min-device-height
  • max-device-height
  • height
  • orientation: landscape
  • orientation: portrait

Responsive methods


REMOVED in v17 This method registers a listener for specific size of the browser window or element.

MEDIAQUERY(query, [element], callback(w, h, type, id));
// @query {String} media CSS query string
// @element {jQuery Element} optional, needs to be jQuery element (default: "window")
// @callback {Function(w, h, type, id)} callback
// returns {Number} an idetificator of MediaQuery

// For the whole window
MEDIAQUERY('(min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1024px) and (orientation: landscape)', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // w {Number} "window" width
    // h {Number} "window" height
    // type {String} display type, can be "xs", "sm", "md" or "lg"
    // id {Number} identificator of MediaQuery
    // This method will be executed if the MediaQuery condition will be valid for "window".

// For an element:
MEDIAQUERY('(min-width: 200px) and (max-width: 600px)', $('#panel'), function(w, h, type, id) {
    // w {Number} "element" width
    // h {Number} "element" height
    // type {String} display type, can be "xs", "sm", "md" or "lg"
    // id {Number} identificator of MediaQuery
    // This method will be executed if the MediaQuery condition will be valid for this element.

How to remove listener?

Just execute MEDIAQUERY(id) method with id of MediaQuery and with no adiditional arguments.

var id = MEDIAQUERY('min-width: 500px', function() {
    // listener

// Remove listener:

Method: WIDTH()

This method returns a current display size of the element. Display size can be:

  • xs extra small display (mobile device)
  • sm small display (tablet)
  • md medium display (small laptop)
  • lg large display (desktop computer, laptop)
// @element {jQuery Element} optional, default "window"
// returns {String}

// Output: lg

Good to know

You can specify your own display sizes in MAIN.defaults.devices, default values in pixels:

MAIN.defaults.devices = {
    xs: { max: 768 },
    sm: { min: 768, max: 992 },
    md: { min: 992, max: 1200 },
    lg: { min: 1200 }