OpenPlatform / 05. API
Updated: 06. May 2020
Author: Peter Širka

05. API


user object can contain notify key with URL for making of notification. Just call this URL with POST method.

// "user" is a user instance object obtained from OpenPlatorm
RESTBuilder.make(function(builder) {
    var data = {};
    data.type = 0; // 0: info, 1: success, 2: warning/error
    data.body = 'GitHub flavored __markdown body__'; = 'A custom data for app'; // obtaining data from notification is very easy in app, just define "OP.on('notify', function(data) {})" on client-side in your app;


Each user object contains badge key with URL for making of icon badge. Just call this URL with GET method.

// "user" is a user instance object obtained from OpenPlatorm
RESTBuilder.make(function(builder) {

Client-Side commands

+v4 supports sending custom commands to applications via SENDCOMMAND(type, body) method, but applications have to handle OP.on('command, (type, body) => console.log(type, body)) event.

OAuth 2.0

OpenPlatform +v4 supports OAuth 2.0 protocol for obtaining of user profile. First you need to allow OAuth 2.0 in OpenPlatform settings and then generate client_id and client_secret in OAuth 2.0 section in Settings.


You need to perform a redirect to GET https://youropenplatform/oauth/authorize/?client_id=OAUTH_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL. Then OpenPlatform will perform a redirect to redirect_uri with ?code=OP_CODE argument. Then you need to process received ?code=OP_CODE.


Now you need to perform POST https://youropenplatform/oauth/token/ with the JSON payload below:

    "code": "OP_CODE from URL address",
    "client_id": "client_id from OAuth section in OpenPlatform",
    "client_secret": "client_secret from OAuth section in OpenPlatform"


    "access_token": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
    "expire": "Date"

Download account

Last step for obtaining of account is to make a call to GET https://youropenplatform/oauth/profile/ with headers below:

    "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"


    "id": "23974884738",
    "name": "Peter Širka",